Digitized Smalley a temporary presentation for UF Linguistics students of the audio exercises accompanying William Smalley’s Manual Of Articulatory Phonetics.
Double Stops and Nasals
- Double Stops and Nasals
- Same or Different?
- Negative Practice: substitutions
- Medial Double Stops and Nasals
- Initial Double Stops and Nasals
- Final Double Stops and Nasals
- Voiced or Voiceless?
- Double or Single?
- Simultaneous or Sequential?
- Kaka (Cameroun) Mimicry: Unvoiced double stop
- Kaka Mimicry: Voiced double stop
- Maninka Mimicry: Voiced double stop
- Vietnamese Mimicry: Final double stop or nasal
- Review of blade-alveopalatal stops
- Review Buildups
- Transcription
- Reading